Listen to the interview or see the full transcript below. Conservationists say the future of Cougar Island on Payette Lake is a now bit more secure. "It's a huge win for Payette Lake. It's a huge win for the West Central Mountains of Idaho. It's a huge win for...
PLT News
Payette Land Trust Partners with Cougar Island Landowner on a Conservation Easement
Payette Land Trust (PLT) and the owners of the Stone House located on Cougar Island have agreed on a conservation easement designed to limit future development and commercial uses on the 2.52-acre property. North of the City of McCall and at the tip of Ponderosa...
Payette Land Trust: Accomplishment Highlight Reel
PLT’s 2021 Annual Report
Cougar Island Auction Update
The Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) held the auction for Cougar Island on Wednesday, August 14th at the Water’s Edge Event Center in Eagle. Members from the United Payette Cougar Island Task Force and Steering Committee were there along with Payette Land Trust...
Cougar Island Update
COUGAR ISLAND AUCTION CONSERVATION STRATEGY Threat. The sale of Cougar Island poses the threat of privatization and development, which would diminish the viewsheds on the lake, end historic use enjoyed by generations, threaten water quality in Payette Lake and...
PLT Welcomes Board Member, Jennifer Duplisea
Payette Land Trust is proud to announce Jen Duplisea as our newest addition to the board of directors. Jen brings a wide range of skills which will compliment and expand the diversity of the current board. More about Jen and the rest of the PLT Team >>
Inaugural “Conserving the Heart” Exhibition Announced
What does Conserving the Heart of Idaho mean to you? Payette Land Trust asked this of local artists and received a number of thoughtful submissions. In March one artist, Colleen Hanley-Prior, was chosen to paint the first Conserving the Heart of Idaho heart sculpture,...
Annual Conservation Days BBQ June 18!
Save the date! PLT's annual Conservations Days BBQ is Saturday, June 18. Live Music, Food, Beverages, Conservation Poetry Reading, and the Big Heart Unveil...More information coming soon!
Idaho Climate-Economy Impacts Assessment, May 13, 2022
The Idaho Climate-Economy Impacts Assessment was released by the McClure Center - University of Idaho in December 2021. Payette Land Trust's Executive Director, Craig Utter, participated in this project as a member of the Advisory Board. The assessment is a...