PLT Pic-nic: Exploring South Fork Ranch

Our inaugural PLT Picnic was a hit! Guests enjoyed spectacular views and tales and details about the South Fork Ranch. After a delicious Pic-nic lunch from Pikka Bakery people were able to explore the ranch and chat with PLT’s Executive Director, Craig, and Ranch Manager, Wes.

Not able to attend this first Pic-nic, but interested in future Pic-nics? We will be announcing 2025 PLT Pic-nic locations and details via the PLT e-newsletter.

About South Fork Ranch: Formerly known as the Hettinger or Hansberger Ranch, this 100-acre gem stretches along the South Fork Salmon River, about 12 miles upstream from where it joins the Salmon River. Nestled next to vital Chinook Salmon spawning grounds, the South Fork Ranch conservation easement ensures that the area remains a haven for wildlife. It balances sustainable grazing and outfitting with crucial habitat protection for the diverse flora and fauna of the South Fork River Drainage.